May 4th, 2024
This journey would not be possible without the expert and amazing medical team surrounding me. When I was diagnosed, my family doctor, Dr Ric Yoder, asked where I would like to go for treatment. That question made me stop for a moment. How do you answer such a question? Does the choice of medical facility matter? It’s a big question and an even bigger answer. I was given my options and asked a few questions and decided it was in my best interest to go to the Parkview Packnett Family Cancer Institute in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
I have not regretted this decision, all my appointments, PET scans, CT scans, any tests, treatments, etc. are done at the Parkview campus. My medical team is in a word: amazing. Led by Dr Jeffrey Letzer, research nurse Madilynn, Nurse Liz and patient navigator Carolyn, they are all committed to assisting me in every way possible to conquer this monster. They have been honest and upfront and within that directness they are very encouraging and positive. I have no doubt I have the best! They are as determined as I am to kick cancer's arse. So, if and when you pray, please include them.