Connecting you to each other

Upcoming Events
Worship Sundays at 10:30 am

Women's Bible Study
This group meets every Wednesday at 10AM in the church library. Topics vary and the current study is about... James, soon to be The Walk: Five Essential Practices of the Christian Life by Adam Hamilton during Lent

Prayer Circle
Prayer Circle is a time for coming together to share the joys and concerns of those present and for others who are in need of prayer. If you have prayer request please fill out the simple form. Your prayer will be lifted up.

Dining Out Group
If you enjoy eating out and sharing conversation, this group is for you! We enjoy dinners in the local area on the fourth Saturday of each month. For fun, fellowship, and a chance to sample local fare, sign up here and we'll save you a seat!

Crafters Guild
For those needing some “dedicated time” to knit, crochet, quilt, make some cards, or just hem a pair of pants, we have just the things for you! Join us on the first Saturday of each month from 1-4PM for some time set aside to enjoy the crafts you like to do.